12 Southeastern Technical College Students Nominated for the GOAL Program

Instructors at Southeastern Technical College have nominated 12 students for the Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) competition, according to Rebecca Ethredge, coordinator for the College’s GOAL program.

GOAL, a statewide program of the Technical College System of Georgia, honors excellence in academics and leadership among the state’s technical college students. GOAL winners are selected at each of the state’s 22 technical colleges.

Chosen for recognition by their instructors are Jason Colbert, Associate of Science in Nursing, Toombs County; Grace Curry, Business Management, Jenkins County; Isabella Fultz, Business Management, Burke County; Alli Hart, Health Care Management, Toombs County; Sydney Haskin, Business Management, Appling County; Lauren Henry, Business Management, Toombs County; Lanie Hutcheson, Associate of Science in Nursing, Treutlen County; Sasha Jones, Associate of Science in Nursing, Appling County; Mikayla Manning-Collins, Associate of Science in Nursing Bridge Pathway, Treutlen County; Pedro Sanchez, Welding and Joining Technology, Tattnall County; Cristina Tinoco, Radiologic Technology, Toombs County; and Noah Tippett, Welding and Joining Technology, Toombs County.

“The purpose of the GOAL program is to spotlight the outstanding achievement by students in Georgia’s technical colleges and to emphasize the importance of technical education in today’s global workforce,” said Ethredge.

A screening committee of administrators at Southeastern Tech will review each of the instructors’ nominations and conduct interviews with the students. After the nominees have been ranked, four finalists will be chosen to compete to be STC’s GOAL winner for 2025.

The four finalists will take part in another round of interviews and evaluations by a selection committee of representatives from local businesses and industry. That panel will consider the students’ qualities like academic achievement, personal character, leadership abilities, and enthusiasm for technical education.

The student judged most outstanding will be designated as the College’s GOAL winner and move on to the regional competition. Then three from each of the three regions will make up the nine regional finalists, who will be named in April at the state GOAL conference in Atlanta. The nine regional finalists will move to the state level and compete for the title of State GOAL Winner, TCSG’s Student of the Year.

The State GOAL Winner is awarded the important responsibility of traveling the state as the ambassador for the entire technical college system. To make travel easier, the winner receives a new car from KIA Georgia, the statewide corporate sponsor for the GOAL program.