Campus Security & Public Safety

In compliance with Section 485 (a) and (f) of the Higher Education Act, also known as the Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. 1092 (a) and (f), Southeastern Technical College is required to disclose, on an annual basis, data on crimes committed on campus and campus safety policies and procedures. Among its provisions, this consumer protection law requires the school to collect, prepare, publish, and distribute an annual statement of all campus security policies to all current and prospective students and employees. Included in this report are statistics concerning the occurrence of campus crime.

In compliance with federal law, the Office of Campus Safety and Security makes available safety and crime statistics, a daily crime log and a fire log. These logs are available for viewing by contacting the Office of Safety and Security at 3001 E. First St., Vidalia, GA 30474 or (478) 299-3530. The Annual Security Report may be found at: Annual Security Report.

Southeastern Technical College is committed to providing the best possible experience for its students, and that includes a security staff that keeps our campus safe and incident-free. STC’s Campus Security works each day to ensure a secure learning environment and is happy and ready to help students, faculty, and staff. Don’t hesitate to contact Travis Akridge or any STC security staff with any safety or security issues.

Travis Akridge

Director of Safety & Security

(912) 538-3125
(478) 299-3530


Vidalia Campus:     (912) 538-3100     (912) 538-3212

Mike Lewis

Vidalia – Day Security

Treshan Salem

Vidalia – Day Security

Larry Wade

Vidalia – Day Security

Kim Holland

Vidalia – Day Security

Fred Fondren

Vidalia – Evening Security

Felton Strickland

Vidalia Security


Swainsboro Campus:     (478) 289-2200     (478) 289-2339

Phillip Easterling

Swainsboro – Day Security

Johnny Hairr

Swainsboro – Evening Security

Kim Holland


Felton Strickland

Vidalia Security


Procedures for Reporting Incidents

In the event of an accident/injury, other medical emergencies, or crime-related incident, the nearest instructor or staff member, an administrator, and Security should be notified. It should be noted that this procedure is in no way meant to prohibit or impede the reporting of an emergency directly to the appropriate party (i.e., police department, fire department, ambulance, hospital, etc.).

Professional emergency care, if needed, will be secured by an administrator. As a nonresidential institution, Southeastern Technical College expects that the student will normally secure medical services through a family physician.

In the case of a serious accident or illness, the College will refer the student to the nearest hospital for emergency care and will notify the student’s next of kin. It is to be understood that the student or the student’s family will be responsible for the cost of such emergency care.

If a crime has been committed, the administrator on duty, the Director of Safety, and Security will call the local police department.

Incident Report

In the event of an accident/injury, other medical emergencies, or crime-related incident involving a student, visitor, or employee at Southeastern Technical College, an Incident Report Form must be completed. The report should be returned to the Office of Student Affairs.


Traffic & Parking Regulations

Click here to view Traffic & Parking Regulations.