Student Summer Activity Day – Ice Cream Social

Summer Activity Day for Students  Help cool down the South Georgia heat wave with a cold treat! STC will host an ice cream social, on July 12, on each campus! Come join us, hang out, fellowship, have some ice cream, and enjoy! Vidalia Campus 12 - 2 PM - Main Building, Student Center Swainsboro Campus...

Student Activity Day – Summer Ice Cream Social, Vidalia

Vidalia Campus 3001 E. First St., Vidalia, GA, United States

Summer Activity Days for Students  Help cool down the South Georgia heat wave with a cold treat! STC will host an ice cream social on each campus! Come join us, hang out, fellowship, have some ice cream, and enjoy! July 18:  Vidalia Campus 11 AM - 2 PM - Main Building, Student Center July 19: ...

Student Activity Day – Summer Ice Cream Social, Swainsboro

Swainsboro Campus 346 Kite Road, Swainsboro, GA, United States

Summer Activity Days for Students  Help cool down the South Georgia heat wave with a cold treat! STC will host an ice cream social on each campus! Come join us, hang out, fellowship, have some ice cream, and enjoy! July 18:  Vidalia Campus 11 AM - 2 PM - Main Building, Student Center July 19: ...