September 15, 2022
Southeastern Technical College (STC) representatives toured Emanuel County industries on September 6, 2022 with other educators from area schools.
The goal was to inform the high school teachers of the job opportunities in the Emanuel County area so they could share these opportunities with their students.
“The industry tours initiative of the Emanuel County School System will better enable their teachers, counselors, and administrators to inform their students about the great career opportunities available in our local area. Southeastern Tech is proud to partner with Swainsboro High and Emanuel County Institute (ECI) to provide the skilled training needed for these careers,” said STC President Larry Calhoun.
The industries toured were Crider Foods, Faircloth Forest Products, Stitch-N-Print, Advanced Metal Components, AirStar Charter & Flight Support, Hotset America Corporation, Emanuel Medical Center, Nordson, America Knits, Wincore Window Company, and American Steel Components.
“STC employees were there to share information about the programs that align with some of the career opportunities on the tour. Our goal is to all work together to help the students and employers of Emanuel County,” said Mrs. Melissa Rowell, STC High School Initiatives Coordinator.
Swainsboro teachers toured in the morning and went back at Swainsboro High School where ECI joined the group for lunch sponsored by Britt McDade of Chick-Fil-A. ECI toured the industries in the afternoon.
Mr. McDade shared his personal story and reasons why he opened a Chick-Fil-A franchise. He challenged the teachers to remember their “why” in daily encounters as they educate youth.
Mr. Ken Warnock of Swainsboro-Emanuel County Chamber of Commerce and Development Authority spoke with the teachers about the importance of knowing the community and its opportunities for employment and sharing the knowledge with the students of Emanuel County.
For more information on STC, visit www.southeasterntech.edu or call (912) 538-3100 (Vidalia) or (478) 289-2200 (Swainsboro).
Photo: Emanuel County Educators on Industry Tour