Student Clubs and Organizations

Associate of Science in Nursing Club

The goal of the Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) Club is to promote a positive image of nursing practice; aid in the development of the whole person, his/her professional role, his/her responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life; and assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality of health care. The club helps with community activities within the surrounding service areas.

Contact Jennifer Gunter for more information.


HEROS Club_logo

The purpose of HEROES is to provide students with the moral support needed to reach their educational goals. Students are provided opportunities to develop both personally and professionally through participation in education, civic, and social activities. Membership is open to any STC student, but the main focus is students in a non-traditional program (example: males in nursing or cosmetology; females in truck driving or electronics), a single parent, displaced homemaker, or single pregnant woman.

Contact Helen Thomas for more information.


Helping Hands Club

The purpose of the club is to enhance the learning experience by promoting professional extracurricular activities and opportunities for Cosmetology students that include participation in campus student activities and field trips to conferences, workshops, and hair shows. Helping Hands encourages its members to become the “helping hand” by making a difference in the lives of members of the community on and off campus from raising money and awareness to support breast cancer research and education to sponsoring Beauty Days for the elderly and disabled.

Contact Althea Coney-Ricks for more information.



The purpose of the National Technical Honor Society is to honor excellence in workforce education. The goals of the NTHS are to reward excellence in workforce education, encourage scholastic achievement, skill development, honesty, service, leadership, citizenship, and individual responsibility, and promote business and industry-critical workplace values.

To qualify for membership, a student must be in a diploma or degree program and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher overall GPA in the program, have completed at least 35 cumulative credit hours, including 15 institutional credit hours, at Southeastern Tech, and be nominated by a faculty member within their program. Faculty are asked to nominate deserving students who exhibit good character, determination, and positive attitude towards other classmates, studies, and chosen career fields.

Contact Jeannie Morris or Dr. Barry Dotson at Southeastern Tech for more information or visit the National Technical Honor Society at


Membership is open to all students interested in pursuing a business or business-related career. PBL membership accounts for approximately 13,000 members with 600 chapters in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

PBL members initiate business ventures, organize community service projects, attend state and national leadership conferences, and participate in fundraisers. Members gain a competitive edge in the business world by interacting with local companies and their executives.

PBL uses teamwork to accomplish common personal and social goals. The purpose of PBL is to provide opportunities for students to develop vocational competencies for business and office occupations. PBL promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility.

Contact Liz Noles or  Jessica Eisner for more information.



The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic excellence among two-year college students, and the purpose of Beta Phi Psi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Southeastern Technical College shall be the promotion of scholarship, the development of leadership and service, and the cultivation of fellowship among the two-year qualified students of this college.

Candidates for membership in the Beta Phi Psi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Southeastern Technical College must have completed 12 semester hours of associate degree course work with a Grade Point Average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, adhere to the school conduct code, and possess recognized qualities of citizenship.

Contact Dr. Barry Dotson for more information.


Radiologic Technology Club

The goal of the Radiologic Technology Club is to promote the practice of Radiologic Technology as a career, develop leadership skills for future leaders within the profession, and to enhance the quality of services provided by the radiologic technologist. This is achieved by encouraging students to participate and be involved in activities on campus and within the community, state, and profession. The club also helps provide funding for educational conferences and seminars and organizes educational activities on technological advances in imaging. Membership is open to all students who have been officially accepted to STC’s Radiologic Technology degree program.

Contact Tara Powell or Keegan Spell for more information.


SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. SkillsUSA’s mission is to help its members become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens.

Students are provided quality education experiences in leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and character development. SkillsUSA programs include local, state, and national competitions in which more than 5,400 students compete in 91 occupational and leadership skill areas.

Contact Tina Jernigan for more information.



The Student Government Association, with representation from throughout the student body, provides a channel through which students may exhibit leadership, voice concerns, and enhance communication among students, faculty, and staff. The Student Government Association also promotes programs and activities of interest to students.

Contact Helen Thomas for more information.


The National Society of Leadership and Success is the largest collegiate leadership honor society in the United States, with more than 800 chapters and over 1.9 million members nationwide. Membership is based on academic accomplishments and leadership potential. NSLS honors excellence and distinguishes itself by providing members access to a five-step leadership program, to develop skills that drive success beyond the classroom and into the next phase of life as a professional or graduate student. The program provides access to exclusive Speaker Broadcasts featuring the world’s top leaders.

The Southeastern Technical College chapter is an online chapter developed to support members’ busy lifestyles and allows students to complete the steps of membership on a time schedule that works for them.

Contact Laura McCullough for more information.